• Getting into the Zone

    When Ted Lasso was hired as the new gaffer (coach) for AFC Richmond, the team, the town, and the entire country made it no secret that they thought he was just a clueless “wanker.” But it was clear, even early on, that Ted knew a thing or two about being a good leader. It's not about the wins and losses but about helping others become the best versions of themselves.

    As times moves on for us, as challenges arise, as tough conversations surface, and maybe even occassionally chaos is on the horizon, there are moments when we might feel we too are a bit "clueless".  This is why it is so important that we have a handle on ensuring we know how to "get into the zone", and by that, I mean steady progress toward habits that lead to success in goals.

    This month on our Podcast, and in my One to One Executive Coaching, we tackled a few important topics:

    Episode 144 - Tough Choices - Every Leader must make tough choices. Handling them, successfully or not, comes down to 3 C's - find out what they are in this episode.

    Episode 143 - Leadership Identity - What comes into your mind, comes out in your leadership. So what is your identity as a leader? That is what we discover in this episode

    Episode 142 - Keep Me At It - Less than 80 days left in 2024! Determination is a key factor toward success, however, first, you need to know what you are chasing. Let's discover more in this episode

    Episode 141 - “Burn the Boats” - Success takes making it through zones, and choosing to "Burn the Boats" along the way - find out more in this episode

    Episode 140 - Strength Zone - We all have a "strength zone" and when we work from our strengths, it is then that we make strides toward success. Learn more in this episode. 

    All of these lead us to a deep understanding that we must continue to work at progress - which often comes not in strides but in steps.

    Few things to keep in mind as you take these steps.

    First, Obstacles Can Be Opportunities. Don't look at every "set back" as a "step back". Many of my best life lessons have come after a challenge. Press onward through tough times, make the hard choices and even consider at times "burning the boats" along the way.

    Second, Know Your Purpose. It is always (as I say often) "Who", before "Do". It is better to take time to figure out what an action says about your character, than to jump into a pit and need a rescue. Sounds simple, but read the newspaper, it's not common.

    Third, Empowerment Breeds Confidence. It is far better to say "I don't know but, I want to learn", than to say "I don't care and I will get it done". Determination to learn, grow and chase your best self, is a success formula if there ever was one.

    Finally, Pay Attention to the Details. Be it specific things about people, being meticulous in designing things or just in day to day things you do to track your calendar and your tasks.  Details matter, and often lead to more resounding success, not just a moment of accomplishment.

    At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarity. Find out more about how we can help you personally and professionally - reach out today

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone


  • A Habit of the Soul

    Thanksgiving is a habit of the soul

    That phrase has always struck me. To be thankful or grateful is not just a concept, or a moment, it is a deep seeded sense.

    When this traditional time of "thanksgiving" come around, I am always profoundly reminded of the blessings, in the midst of challenges, which we all enjoy. Thanksgiving is to be in reality - a habit - that penetrates the core of who we are and what we are about……

    It is rooted not in our circumstances, because those can change overnight.

    It is rooted not in a poll or a popularity, because those rise and fall with impulse.

    It is rooted not in something successfully done or a satisfaction with how something was or was not handled in the past or today, but in the heart felt, soul rooted, life lived, belief that all things work together for Good.

    We are not the sum…. We are not about circumstances – we are about Faithfulness. 

    We are not the sum…. Of what goes right or wrong, we are about pointing to progress (small and large).

    We are not the sum …… of a dream met, a goal achieved, or a failure lived – we are about modelling achievements.

    We are not the sum……of what we are thankful for or what we complain about – we are about sharing what we have.

    May this Thanksgiving Weekend be a time of  embracing Thanksgiving as a Habit of the Soul.

    May it remind us that even in the midst of the challenges, which are real for us all, we do in fact have much to be Thankful for.

    Always know I am here for you to help! I am cheering you on! - #letsgetafterit #makeitso

  • Questions are Powerful

    When September hit, we entered into the Final Four Month of 2024. These final four months of 2024 – can be amazing times of growth. They are a final push toward the goals of the year and the success we desire. It is like when a team looks at the clock and realizes its ticking toward the final moments before finishing of a game – a new energy emerges – or so we hope.

    However, before diving into new goals, take a moment to reflect on what you've already accomplished this year. It’s so fun to give yourself credit for things; I’m a huge fan. It's easy to focus on what's left to do and forget how much you've already done. List your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This practice not only boosts your morale but also helps you identify strategies that worked well for you, which you can replicate in the coming months.

    Then its time for Questions. Why questions? Questions are powerful. They represent potential insight. And the better questions you ask, the better (more helpful, more strategic, more effective) answers you get.

    As you pursue personal development, ask yourself those powerful questions: Give them the time they need to inspire reflection. Embrace asking great questions as a lifestyle and you will be more successful as a leader.

    Am I staying in my strength zone? 

    Am I taking care of today? 

    Am I investing my time with the right people? 

    Am I taking time to think? 

    Am I investing in myself? 

    These questions lead us toward identifying hinderances, overcoming hurdles and energizing high points that will lead us toward greater success. Asking the questions, and honestly reflecting on the answers will increase your Focus, Multiply your Success and make the Final Four of 2024 can be some of the most productive months of the year

    On our Podcast this month we focussed on these through the following episodes

    Episode 139- Focus  - In all of the noise that this world (and our calendars) can make, we face this hard truth about achieving our goals: We can't achieve success if we can't focus. Let's learn more in this episode -

    Episode 138 - Multiply Success - Leadership is not about being "in charge", it is about taking care of those who are in your charge and multiplying success. Find out how with the 3 A's here

    Episode 137 - Questions are Powerful. They represent potential insight. The better the question you ask, the better (more helpful, more strategic, more effective) the answer you get. Let's explore on this episode.  

    Episode 136 - The Final Four - The end of Summer does not need to be a bad thing. The Final Four of 2024 can be some of the most productive months of the year. Let's look at how in this episode.

    At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarity. Find out more about how we can help you personally and professionally - reach out today

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone


  • Leadership is creating greatness in other people.

    Lee Iacocca, the legendary Chairman of Chrysler Motors once said, “I hire smart people and get out of their way.”   I agree, and have seen it time and time again in my life as a people leader. It’s the notion that if you hire amazing people, and just get out of their way, they’ll do amazing things. But that does not mean that your job as a leader is done! In fact, it is just beginning.

    Listening. Empathy. Consideration. Did I mention listening? Creativity. Oh, and listening. These things were critical. Leadership is the art of creating greatness in other people. Your job as a leader is to notice it and then help create the space for them to shine. Here I believe you can do that by simply remembering the letter "C".

    Learn to Coach

    To be clear, coaching isn’t the same as “here’s how I would have done it.” A lot of times what I hear others do isn’t coaching. They’re second-guessing. Or they’re highlighting why they wouldn’t have done it how someone else did it.

    One of the aspects of coaching that I love the most is when I get to help someone think better. But that means I have to help them ask different questions to help them think about and see the situation in front of them differently. As you get better and better at teaching people to ask the right questions, you’ll see marked and serious growth from your team. A great way to learn to Coach is to have one of your own! If I can help and take my experience of almost three decades as a people leader and help you seek Clarity and Confidence in discerning direction and handling leadership circumstances in your personal or professional life – don’t hesitate to contact me

    Learn to Celebrate

    Now, to be honest, not everyone will love celebrations. I worked with a couple people who don’t celebrate much because they’re thrilled by the next challenge. So the moment one hill has been climbed, they’re off to the next one.

    But some people, in order for them to shine, need the celebration that comes from a kind word, a pat on the back, and some external recognition. And the more you get in the habit of celebrating, the better you’ll connect with the kinds of folks that thrive off it.

    Learn to Challenge

    Pushing people to go further than they thought they could is something you see everyday in the gym. But we don’t always see it in a work environment. We get nervous. We don’t want to be pushy or look like we’re being mean.

    But pushing someone to do more, go further, to level up, or to step their game up is positive, not negative. Can we all agree that it’s easier to stay comfortable? So our job as leaders is to let people enjoy that spot, but not for too long. Eventually you have to promote them or give them an assignment outside of their comfort zone and push them to step up to the next level for their own personal and career growth.

    This month on our Podcast, and in my One to One Executive Coaching, I have been focussing on looking at the question of Leadership:

    Episode 135 - Get Uncomfortable - So often it is our desire to "stay comfortable", which hampers our growth as a leader. Let's look at three strategies to overcome this, while staying true to our values. Check out this episode

    Episode 134 - Partnership - "To build a leader you have to make them a partner." It was a statement told to me years ago. It shocked me, but it has continued to ring true over the decades. Let me share with you why in this episode

    Episode 133 - Trust - One of the best investments you can make as a leader is to create a culture of empowerment, not control. That takes trust. Let's look at the five key elements that allow that to happen Check it out here

    Episode 132 - Letting Go - As your business or organization grows, a good leader must know when to "lean in" and when to "let go". Let's look at three consequences of not letting go as a leader.  Check it out here

    At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarity. Find out more about how we can help you personally and professionally - reach out today

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone


  • Leadership is not a Rank

    Leadership is a choice. It is not a rank. 

    I know many people at the senior most levels of organizations who are absolutely not leaders.  They are authorities, and we do what they say because they have authority over us, but we would not follow them. 

    And I know many people who are at the bottoms of organizations who have no authority and they are absolutely leaders. This is because they have chosen to look after the person to the left of them, and they have chosen to look after the person to the right of them. 

    One of the best definitions of leaderships was shared with me early in my professional career – and it may well have come from a book – but it was instead shared in an elevator ride to a very tough meeting. The man I was working for simply said – “this is one of those moments you have to look ugly in the mirror and make it better.”

    One of the biggest stumbling blocks for organizations is an unwillingness to be brutally honest about the difficulties they face. And it’s impossible to drive change, and lead others, if people aren’t aligned on why both are needed. You can have a group of supersmart people, but they can waste a lot of energy going down the wrong track, it is for this reason that the leader sets the tone. 

    It is important to be clear about what you stand for as a leader. In my One to One Executive Coaching, I often ask those I coach several questions to help them develop what I call their Personal Leadership Brand or "Rally Cry". Here are the three questions:

    What three values are most important to you as a leader and a colleague?

    How have you lived them in your career?

    Why are they important for driving success?

    When a leader honestly asks and answers those questions, they make the choice to put the people inside the organization first, to sacrifice their comforts and sacrifice the tangible results, so that the people remain and feel like they belong. It is then that remarkable things happen. This takes a commitment to self awareness as a leader.

    To do this, it is important for a leader to identify your triggers: the moments of stress that can spark an overreaction. Everyone has some emotional scar tissue, and certain circumstances remind us of the experiences that caused it, sometimes leading to reactions we later regret. Facing your triggers honestly is the first step toward creating some emotional distance from them and controlling your reactions.

    Secondly, make sure also to uncover your blind spots. Be sure to close any gaps between how you think you’re leading and how your team perceives you. Be relentless about asking for input:  Questions like .... “What do you need me to do more of, less of, or differently to better help you?” Show appreciation when people respond and let them know how they informed your thinking or prompted a behavioral change.

    This self awareness also can demonstrate itself by not being afraid to ask for mentoring, coaching or encouragement. It is not concidence that isolation is often found "at the top". Make sure you have a network that will aide with your being able to keep your perspective and stay focused on what matters most. An amazing book that I recommend everyone reads is Measure What Matters by John Doerr. I will speak about it more next month, but check it out!

    This month on our Podcast, and in my One to One Executive Coaching, I have been focussing on looking at the question of Leadership:

    Episode 131- Be a Fan - The leader that sets the tone. In order to be a good leader, you also have to be a good fan. Find out more

    Episode 130 - Leap into Leadership - This requires you to resist the temptation to be a cheerleader for the status quo. Here are some things to keep in mind.  

    Episode 129 - Are you a Manager or a Leader? Your answer reflects your approach and style. Not sure - start by listening to this episode & find out more

    Episode 128 - Change? The summer months are a great time to "check it out", but that is not only a "tourist phrase", it is also applies to our personal and professional growth. Why not start by listening to this episode and find out more?

    Episode 127 - Are You the Boss ? Fear & Afraid are two different things. One happens, the other we choose. That choice can lead to intimidation or procrastination of your goals. Find out how being "the boss" helps ensure neither impacts your success - check it out here

    If I can help and take my experience of almost three decades as a people leader and help you seek Clarity and Confidence in discerning direction and handling leadership circumstances in your personal or professional life – don’t hesitate to contact me

    At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarityFind out more about how we can help you personally and professionally - reach out today

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone



  • Abundance vs. Scarcity

    For several decades I worked in an organization whose most painful time for all of us was –“Budget time”. So often the discussion would be about not approving an expense, not investing in a new initiative. The reason was simple – Fear!

    It can happen in so many organizations and businesses and its red flag #1 that someone may not be thinking big enough.

    Truly wise people realize that cutting costs isn’t the only goal. Sure, they’re not lavish with money, but they’re also not gripped by fear or small thinking.

    The way to tell the difference between broke thinking and wisdom is simple: A scarcity mindset is motivated by fear. And the default answer to spending money is “No.”

    So as a leader, my goal was to set the Vision.

    How? Well, first Remember That Vision Precedes Resources

    Believe it or not, resources don’t magically appear overnight, but you do have a ground floor from which to build the future. And that starts by dreaming and casting vision together.

    As much as leaders wish it were otherwise, vision precedes resources. Almost every successful start-up has a vision before it has people and resources.

    So start with a vision.

    Vision answers the questions:

    What problem are we solving?

    What does a better future look like?

    What is it you feel called to accomplish?

    Then, you’ll notice something: As the vision becomes clear and compelling, resources will start to come in.

    If you wait for money to begin a new future, you’ll wait forever.

    Second, Invest Meaningfully in Personal and Team Development

    Early in my leadership, as we moved scarcity mindsets out of leadership and began building a new vision and team, we started investing in road trips, conferences, books, and coaching that helped us figure out how to build the organization we wanted. That helped pair a new vision with a fresh strategy. And it turned hopes and dreams into a plan. I also read as much as I could and connected with coaches and mentors.

    You can do the same with your business. People sometimes can not envision, but they can see. So show them what you are talking about. Give them some "thing" to embrace and they will. 

    Third, Know the difference between Expenses and Investments

    Embracing an abundance mindset doesn’t mean you can spend anything you want any time you want. That’s how you go broke (for real).

    I have always gone by the adage – in fact it is on the wall in my office - Invest wisely and generously. Handle expenses judiciously.

    If it has a lasting "dividend" in people, culture, vision or governance, it is an investment.

    If it is just reduces income then it is an expense.

    I know that is simple - but it rings true!

    Bottom line is this - Abundance vs. Scarcity

    Abundance thinking focuses on what you can do.

    A scarcity mindset focuses on what you can’t do.

    Getting past broke thinking is a transformative moment. That’s the difference between having a future and not having much of one at all.

    At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarity. Find out more about how we can help you personally and professionally - reach out today

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone


  • Are We There Yet?

    Every road trip – no matter its duration or destination, has one thing in common. Sooner or later, someone in the car asks “Are We There Yet?” Arriving at a destination is influenced by so many things. Not only the time it takes, but also the accuracy of the directions, and the clarity of the destination.

    Knowing your Destination is vitally important. After all “getting there” is always easier if you know where “there is”.

    But knowing is a lot more than just intention.

    I may have an intention to get to a destination, but that alone will not get me there.

    The catalyst for getting from where you are, to where you want to be, is direction.

    Direction supersedes intention every time because intention is not a strategy.

    But there is another factor to arriving "there", it is the choices we make in the journey, which includes the accompaniment and sources of encouragement to put around us. That help, in our “professional road trip”, is beyond just networking or joining a group or attending a Masterclass. It is about creating a professional circle you can trust that extends far beyond exchanging business cards or connecting on LinkedIn. Why is this important and how does it help us to understand our purpose, our direction or our destination? Well it is because when we are Surrounded by Success we are more likely to succeed.

    Being surrounded by ambitious individuals who are passionate about the work they’re doing can be energizing and uplifting. These people do not ask "Are We There Yet?", but rather they firm us forward as they say "let's get there!" This is especially needed for newly established professionals – but also for those who have been around a bit, and who are willing to add to their own compass or GPS.

    Our circle also helps us to understand with our Purpose. This month identifying our Purpose has been a focus on the You Can Make It So Podcast.

    Episode 123 - Our Guest – Ron Tite discussed his book - Think Do Say: How to Seize Attention and Build Trust in a Busy Busy World

    Episode 124 - Direction before Destination  

    Episode 125 - Direction – NOW WHAT?

    Episode 126 - Are We There Yet?

    Our society emphasizes friends, family and co-workers as essential parts of our professional journey. They are an emotional and professional support system. Friends can offer distraction and encouragement, family members give unconditional love and co-workers may provide a sense of camaraderie and even professional advice. However, there are times when we need a fourth type of support in the form of a personal Advisors  - board of directors of sorts.

    One of the great privileges of what I do as an Executive Coach and Strategic Advisor is I get to sit with accomplished and aspiring leaders and help them with their direction as they move toward their destination. I am a sounding board and ‘backstage advisor’, that helps them answer “are we there yet?” , help them hear "let's get there!", but most of all help keep them focussed on their purpose and where exactly "there" is through accountability and direction.

    At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarity. Find out more about how we can help you personally and professionally - reach out today

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone


  • Happy Father's Day

    Everyone is different. My dad was old school, discipline, hard lesson, tough exterior. I am different. Some men may have the gift of eloquence to easily communicate with their kids. Some may be better able to lay down the law. Some may have the gift of playfulness and be the life of the party in the eyes of their families. As dad’s, as in our role as leaders, one thing that often happens is we fall victim to the Comparison Trap

    Experience, not expertise out the gate, is what makes fathers "Dad." There is no competition, just other dads running alongside you, behind you, or ahead of you on our separate timelines and journeys. There are peaks, and there are valleys. The constant is time and that fact that sooner rather than later, it all ends. The kids move out, hopefully, and although you never stop being a parent, your time raising them does come to an end.

    So Dads, don't be dismayed when you're confused, worried, or stressed out. You aren't alone, and no matter how good that father over there may appear they've had their fair share of challenges, or they will. Celebrate, support, and encourage the Dads around you, but don't ever compare yourself to them unless it's simply to take notes to incorporate tactics into your own game plan. Reach out to the dad who seems like he has it all together and ask for advice or mentorship. I'll bet money you'll be pleasantly surprised to find out you have more in common than not.

    Happy Father’s Day!

  • Corporate Culture Begins With You

    Culture is something that influences and impacts all of us.

    The workplace for many people is almost like a “second home”. In fact, for some, they might spend more consecutive hours at their workplace than they do at their actual home. As a result, the culture of our workplace is consequential to our personal success. A healthy organizational culture: made up of life giving behaviors, practices, and processes - and whether they are aligned with our personal values - impact not only how we go about our day to day professional priorities, but also our personal thriving.  

    I am invited by companies to come and reflect with them on what is being communicated by their company cultural behaviors, practices, and processes. Likewise, executive leaders themselves reach out because they feel off track with their personal behaviors, practices, and processes and how they are communicating what they value most in their careers. In both cases they feel there is a crack in how they go about processing, expressing and choosing their success – or as I like to put – “living in a way today that will help them thrive tomorrow”.

    Culture begins with choices. One of my favourite writers is C.S. Lewis who observed, “Every time you make a choice, you are turning the central part of you – the part that chooses – into something a little different than what it was before.” Mere Christianity (ed. 1960)

    The formation and prioritizing of Culture is about the choices we make and how we think, act, and interact because of them. Leaders have the responsibility to build the proper culture within their teams. They also have an individual duty to ensure their personal culture reflects the values they prioritize. It begins with a personal choice to Live for Excellence. This month on the You Can Make It So Podcast, we look at Culture – personal and professional.

    In Episode 119 we take a look at the essential choices that we make which begin to underpin our culture. These choices then lead us to express our Culture in 4 Dimensions which impact the overall performance of an organization, and also impact individually how we succeed in our own performance. Check these 4 Dimensions of Culture in Episode 120

    Both our reflection of choices, and our expression of the dimensions of culture, are more than just words. Words don’t built cultures and cultures don’t change by themselves. True culture change and success happens when these 4 Dimensions of Culture are prioritized and repeated to the point that they become ingrained into what an organization does daily and becomes common practice not only for the leader, but everyone in the organization – that is where culture excellence is found.

    However, we know that there can be delays, setbacks and what I like to call – speed bumps – before  reaching and achieving a Culture that is life giving. We discuss these in Episode 121

    Overcoming these speed bumps allows Culture to cascade. It is about changing old habits that no longer serve the best interests of all, into those that do – that takes buy in, not edicts. This is difficult when we are stressed or at the very least eagerly hungry for change.

    When working with individuals and corporate clients one of the questions is “how long will this take?”

    My honest answer is that it takes time and tremendous energy, often more than leaders thought, to reap and see the benefits of developing a healthy culture.

    If we expect to put our personal growth, or our corporate cultural growth, in the microwave and “push the popcorn button” and all will be well, then before long, when the progress is slow, we disconnect and it’s not culture that will pop but the burnt smell of dysfunction. To believe otherwise imposes a morale buster and momentum killer on the progress you are gaining and leads to second guessing.

    Leaders must be the voice of reason and standard bearer of the vision they see. It is one thing to create a buzz about culture, it another thing to cultivate a culture that embodies the core DNA of your organization so much that it leads not only to success on one year’s Profit and Loss Statement, but thriving in what counts even more as an organization – the on-going balance sheet of the people who have embraced what is your passion, your vision and your objective as a leader.

    This is why a healthy culture begins with you. Our personal growth, consistency and focus on habit growth is the rally cry we must have as we determine a personal culture we wish to be a part of, and succeed in. It is why I like to say “Goals Gain, but Habits Hold”. A healthy culture is not just a goal, it is a consistent habit.

    Not sure, what your first step should be, well try this. Be attentive to the places you go – coffee shops, restaurants, grocery stores and even offices you visit – what do you observe about their culture, about the choices they have made, the values they up hold – being aware of what you see is a hint to what you priorities, relate to, or wish you had.

    I’d love to help. At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarity. Find out more about how we can help you personally and professionally - reach out today

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone


  • I think I can, I think I can .......

    One of my favourite children’s stories is the story of the “Little Engine that could”. I remember loving it when my parents would read it to me, and in time when I read it too. It is a story of persistency, consistency and mindset.

    Now admittedly as a child, I just thought it was cute and I just wanted to cheer when the little train was victorious, but through the years that have followed it has shown me a much more important realization …… that when all is said and done, if we choose ... it is possible. 

    In my almost three decades of working with business owners, C-Suite leaders and emerging leaders, those who have reached satisfaction and success have been those who in gratitude accepted, and worked with, today, but never lost sight of the possibilities of tomorrow. …. The great leaders I have worked with have never sacrifice the important for the urgent. They handle the immediate problem and still make sure to secure the future. That choice, however, has not come without hurdles.

    The most often, tackled hurdle is the temptation to “accept management of today”. This usually happens when we feel a bit overwhelmed, so our focus turns to “survival” and not “success”. We simply want to get as much done as we can to make the load lighter for today and “let tomorrow take care of itself”, becomes a mantra. I discuss that a bit in this article about whether we "Chase Cash or Seek Revenue".

    While no one will argue making today lighter is a good thing, and sometimes a very necessary thing, the opportunity is to not forget to secure the future. This requires looking at what is making overwhelm happen today and, most importantly, what can halt it from repeating again. That takes discipline, and also a mindset change.

    It is important to remember that people do not naturally resist change. People naturally resist being changed. And adopting a mindset that tackles the urgent, and the important, at the same time, and knowing how to do that,  is part of Excellence as a leader. I discuss this in Episode 118 of our Podcast.

    Speaking of it, this month on the You Can Make It So Podcast, we have been focussing on Excellence in Leadership. Excellence, not only individually but also as a team. Excellence requires us to not sacrifice the important for the urgent and still make sure to secure the future.

    Episode 117 - Excellence as a Team Leader - Take a listen

    Episode 116 - 4C's of Team Building - Find out more

    Episode 115 - The Pursuit of Excellence - Check out this episode

    Episode 114 - Do’s and Don’ts of Problem Solving -   listen to this episode

    We have also put together a great Master Class on Team Building using the 4 C’s. If you would like details on subscribing to this Master Class - reach out today - Do not hesitate to Contact me

    Leadership is influence—and you are a leader. That’s why it’s critical you keep sharpening your leadership. I’d love to help. At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarity. Find out more about how we can help you personally and professionally  - reach out today 

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone
