Our #Makeitso Journal is proving to be an amazing tool.

Once again this year, we are inviting you to discover new books with 23 books in 2023.

First, this isn’t in any particular order, and I’ll add a few books along the way as new suggestions come up. I try to add a variety of different topics and this year. And second, yes, the Bible isn’t listed but it’s definitely being read. I’ve gotten that question a few times over the years. :-)

As I read through the books, I will occasionally post my main takeaways on Instagram   Facebook and LinkedIn. This year I will also add my takeaways (and some related bonuses) to our Makeitso™Platform. This platform is available to our Full Service Coaching clients exclusively.  

I hope you find these suggestions helpful. It’s a small way of me saying thanks to you for being a part of the Phoenix community and our #Makeitso movement.



BTW - I receive NO Affiliate Income for these recommendations - I just liked the books (which I have read) and recommend them to you

23 Books in 2023

(* - indicates guest on our Podcast)





  • Never Stop - Norm Bacal - teaches the secrets to overcome your fear, to control your career path, to be excited about waking up tomorrow.












  • Culture is the Way by Matt MayberryThe culture you create is something no one, including your competitors, can take away or imitate. This is a playbook on why when it comes to success clearly why Culture is the Way. 


  • Last Man Standing by Duff McDonald - Tell the story of Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase. It is a backroom story into the US financial sector but also the business world. 


  • What it Takes by Stephen SchwarzmanFrom Blackstone chairman, CEO, and co-founder Stephen A. Schwarzman, a book that uses impactful episodes from Schwarzman's life to show readers how to build, transform, and lead thriving organizations.