
    Questions are Powerful

    When September hit, we entered into the Final Four Month of 2024. These final four months of 2024 – can be amazing times of growth. They are a final push toward the goals of the year and the success we desire. It is like when a team looks at the clock and realizes its ticking toward the final moments before finishing of a game – a new energy emerges – or so we hope.

    However, before diving into new goals, take a moment to reflect on what you've already accomplished this year. It’s so fun to give yourself credit for things; I’m a huge fan. It's easy to focus on what's left to do and forget how much you've already done. List your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This practice not only boosts your morale but also helps you identify strategies that worked well for you, which you can replicate in the coming months.

    Then its time for Questions. Why questions? Questions are powerful. They represent potential insight. And the better questions you ask, the better (more helpful, more strategic, more effective) answers you get.

    As you pursue personal development, ask yourself those powerful questions: Give them the time they need to inspire reflection. Embrace asking great questions as a lifestyle and you will be more successful as a leader.

    Am I staying in my strength zone? 

    Am I taking care of today? 

    Am I investing my time with the right people? 

    Am I taking time to think? 

    Am I investing in myself? 

    These questions lead us toward identifying hinderances, overcoming hurdles and energizing high points that will lead us toward greater success. Asking the questions, and honestly reflecting on the answers will increase your Focus, Multiply your Success and make the Final Four of 2024 can be some of the most productive months of the year

    On our Podcast this month we focussed on these through the following episodes

    Episode 139- Focus  - In all of the noise that this world (and our calendars) can make, we face this hard truth about achieving our goals: We can't achieve success if we can't focus. Let's learn more in this episode -

    Episode 138 - Multiply Success - Leadership is not about being "in charge", it is about taking care of those who are in your charge and multiplying success. Find out how with the 3 A's here

    Episode 137 - Questions are Powerful. They represent potential insight. The better the question you ask, the better (more helpful, more strategic, more effective) the answer you get. Let's explore on this episode.  

    Episode 136 - The Final Four - The end of Summer does not need to be a bad thing. The Final Four of 2024 can be some of the most productive months of the year. Let's look at how in this episode.

    At Phoenix Life Coaching Canada we work with individuals and teams helping them lead with confidence and grow in clarity. Find out more about how we can help you personally and professionally - reach out today

    Remember - Great Leaders Don't Grow Alone



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